The importance of teaching English to children

The importance of teaching English to children

It is needed to teach English since Preschool, because at this grade the children are very receptive to knowledge. Several theorists like Montessori said that at an early age, the kids are like sponges that absorb everything from the environment. Besides Piaget and Vigotsky, highlight the influence of the external stimulation and interactios on the learning.

According to this, it is really important create an English environment for preschool and elementary students, with the purpose of get the students used to the language, making more familiar for them the English sounds and pronunciation, through words and expressions; improving gradually their interaction with the foreign language and making it more easier to be learned in the future, with the complexity that arise, like grammar structures and skills development.

Providing a "Natural" learning of the English by creating a natural environment since Preschool, with joyful and entertain English activities, motivate and get involved the students in the learning process. Those activities can have reading and speaking tasks according to the level, grade and age of the students; can be brought different and useful topics and assessments to teach English to children, through materials like storybooks, toys and many things which the kids feel attracted to.

Fine Motor Skills

Developing Gross Motor Skills with English

Fine motor skills involve the small muscles of the body that enable such functions as writing, grasping small objects, and fastening clothing. They involve strength, fine motor control, and dexterity. Some activities that you can use to develop the fine motor skills and taugh English are:

According to Piaget, the simbolic play, is very important to improve the relation between images and objects with ideas and concepts, that is way, the play-doh is a good activity to make simbolic relations with english, you can say: Form a "Sun" with the playdoll, after showing a flashcard, they are going to drawn the sun, relating the image, but also, associating the word "sun" wih it.  The paint and the origami can bring free and diverse task, like paint different objects that you have work in class like animals or numbers, or with the origami you can make the students relate shapes with meanings. 

I am going to leave you this link where you can find great examples:

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